Healthy Eating Tips from a General Dentist Office

Posted on: May 15, 2017

General DentistAs a general dentist in Boca Raton, we know that what you put in your mouth is vital to your oral health. There are certain foods that can strengthen your teeth while others weaken them. Since you only have one natural set of permanent teeth, taking steps to protect them is necessary to ensure that they last a lifetime. Otherwise, you could end up with early tooth loss and the need for restorations.

Regardless of how old you are, it is never too late to start eating healthy. You can make changes now. While these changes will not erase past damage, they can prevent the damage from becoming worse. As an adult dealing with teeth sensitivities or struggling with cavities, these steps are even more important and urgent.

Suggestions for what you can do today to improve your oral health.

Avoid acidic food and drinks

While most people are aware of the risk posed by eating too much sugar, few consider how damaging acid can be for the teeth. It can directly lead to the erosion of enamel, which increases your risk of getting cavities and also creates tooth sensitivity. You only have a set amount of enamel, and once it has started to erode, you could be dealing with sensitive teeth for the rest of your life unless steps are taken to protect them. For this reason, do not suck on lemons or limes, eat sour candy, drink a lot of soda, etc. If you do, be sure to rinse your mouth immediately afterward and then brush your teeth gently after a few minutes.

Eat a balanced diet

If you eat healthy foods, you can remineralize your teeth or strengthen them. You should include green leafy vegetables, crunchy vegetables, nuts, dairy products, and lean protein in your diet. As a general dentist, we know that this type of diet can strengthen your teeth, and it is also good for your health overall.

Drink more water

Some oral health problems can come from a dry mouth. This is a condition where your body does not produce enough saliva, making it unable to naturally wash away food particles and plaque. This can also lead to stale or bad breath. In order to improve your health, drink lots of water. This will decrease your risk of cavities and improve your breath, especially if you are replacing sugary drinks with water (something we highly recommend).

Take a calcium supplement

Throughout your lifetime, your body is constantly adjusting for bone loss. Your body can deposit material to a bone or leach calcium from it. To keep your jawbone healthy and strong, take a calcium supplement. As a general dentist, we know that a strong and dense jawbone is crucial for your appearance and for supporting your teeth. Keep your jaw as strong as possible. This also means that if you do lose a tooth, you need to have it replaced quickly to prevent resorption.

For more information and tips on how you can practice healthy eating for your teeth, visit Karoline Asbell, DDS PA today.

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